United Brethren has retired.

Joseph an Englishman?

At last! It's taken me a lifetime, but I can now categorily prove that the Restoration is in fact an English invention, not American:

Manuscript History of the Church: "...if Satan could not speak in tongues, he could not tempt a Dutchman, or any other nation, but the English, for he can tempt the Englishman, for he has tempted me, and I am an Englishman;" (Ehat & Cook pg. 81)

As my dad has always said, Zion is to be found among the Malvern Hills not the hills of Missouri.

(Thanks to J. Stapley and his comment at New Cool Thang for the quote)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 25, 2005 7:07 PM) 

No wonder the Irish were loathe to learn English. 

Posted by Stephen M (Ethesis)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 26, 2005 12:31 PM) 

Obviously, Joseph was English-American and in his day I think that now unacknowledged ethnic group felt much closer to their ancestral roots.

However, I think you can go beyond that and argue that the entire LDS Church is English (or British). Without the flow of British converts starting in the 1840s, it is unclear if the Church would have survived as it is, for American converts were very quick to leave. Census data for early Utah shows the overwhelming majority of 19th C Saints to be of European origins rather than native-born American. 

Posted by JWL


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 31, 2005 2:18 PM) 


Posted by Jake


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